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Liberty in the Lowcountry: Revolutionary War Tour of the Beaufort District, South Carolina

Friday, November 19th, 2010

A Revolutionary War tour of the the Beaufort District will be held December 11th, 2010:

Details below from their flyer:

December 11, 2010 Saturday – 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Sponsored by American Revolution Association (ARA) & Southern Campaigns of the American Revolution (SCAR)

Did you know Beaufort is written into the Declaration of
Independence? Meet Tory Andrew Deveaux, Jr. and Royal Lt.
Gov. William Bull, Jr. arguing one side against Patriot John
Mark Verdier and John Millner. Walk the battlefields for
Independence at Port Royal, Coosawhatchie, Fort Balfour on
the Pocotaligo, Fort Lyttleton, and Tar Bluff on the Combahee
at Chehaw Neck with dynamic guides, Charles B. Baxley and
David Paul Reuwer.

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Revolutionary War Roundtable June 26th

Thursday, June 17th, 2010

SCAR Fellows and friends of the Revolution:

We will hold our next Southern Campaigns Roundtable in Charleston, SC at the beautiful Old Exchange Building “OXB” ( in the historic district on Saturday, June 26th. Our hosts are Mike Coker and Doug MacIntyre. This is a public invited event so send this email on to your fiends and colleagues. We will have plenty of space in the upstairs ballroom. Plan on joining us to start promptly at 10:00 am and we should wrap-up by 4:00 pm – we’ll stop at noon for a “Dutch Treat” lunch. Remember our Round Table is a participatory sport; you are invited to bring your research interest, questions, and show and tell for no-more than a 10 minute presentation. Each attendee will pay the normal OXB entrance fee of $8.00.

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Spartanburg History Hub May 27th at 7PM

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

Received this reminder via email:

The next meeting of the Spartanburg History Hub is scheduled for Thursday, May 27, 7:00 pm at 234 S. Spring Street, Spartanburg, behind the main post office. (This is one of the Preservation Trust’s renovated Hampton Heights homes and you can wander through it.) Parking is limited at the house, but you can park behind the National Beta Club office/Southside Baptist Church back lot a block or so down the street. If you have questions, feel free to call or email me.

There is no charge for attending meetings of the Spartanburg History Hub and we’ll wrap up promptly at 8:00 pm. There will be the opportunity for introductions and brief announcements. Feel free to bring fliers or brochures so you can give a short announcement and interested parties can pick up the detailed information afterward. Jack Parker will be with us from Camden to talk about and autograph his new book, Parker’s Guide to the Revolutionary War in South Carolina ( Special thanks to members Bob & Christine Swager for luring him to Spartanburg by offering accommodations at their “B&B!”

Each of us involved with history has a unique set of skills, experiences, and resources related to preserving and promoting history. If we combine our strengths, we will take Spartanburg County’s history community to the next level which will benefit us as well as our communities at large. This Hub is designed to bring people and organizations with a commitment to Spartanburg County history together to share what they’re doing, hear what others are doing, and facilitate learning and collaboration. The Hub won’t work if you don’t come!

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think may be interested or send me their contact information and I will send an invitation. Also, please let me know at any time if you would prefer not to receive Hub emails.

I look forward to seeing you on the 27th!

Becky Slayton, Executive Director
Spartanburg County Historical Association, 864-278-9664

Revolutionary War Roundtable of the Backcountry

Friday, April 9th, 2010

Received this via email…

The April meeting of the Revolutionary War Roundtable of the Backcountry will be held on Monday evening, April 19, in the Montgomery Room of the Burwell Building at Wofford College. The program features Nadia Dean, Revolutionary War Historian and author, as she presents The Cherokee – British Alliance during the Revolutionary War – Its impact and ramifications.

Details of the meeting are attached.

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Kershaw-Cornwallis House – Camden Revolutionary War Site

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008

The Kershaw-Cornwallis House was originally built in 1777 by an early settler of Camden. (Camden, in fact, is the oldest inland town in South Carolina.) Joseph Kershaw had established a store in Camden for a Charleston mercantile company and did quite well. In fact, Camden had become an inland trade hub of sorts by 1768. The House was confiscated or seized by the British in 1780 when Lord Cornwallis setup a headquarters in the house. The British occupied it until 1781. Joseph Kershaw lived there until his death in 1791. The family sold the house by 1805 and it served as home for the Camden Orphan Society until 1822. In the Civil War, Camden House was a confederate storehouse and was destroyed in 1865. The house was rebuilt in 1877 at the Camden Revolutionary War Site.

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