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Revolutionary War Roundtable of the Backcountry

Friday, April 9th, 2010

Received this via email…

The April meeting of the Revolutionary War Roundtable of the Backcountry will be held on Monday evening, April 19, in the Montgomery Room of the Burwell Building at Wofford College. The program features Nadia Dean, Revolutionary War Historian and author, as she presents The Cherokee – British Alliance during the Revolutionary War – Its impact and ramifications.

Details of the meeting are attached.

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Greer Heritage Museum – Black History Month Event

Friday, February 26th, 2010

Just received this via email and am posting it immediately since it’s scheduled for tomorrow.

The Greer Heritage Museum at 106 S. Main St. announces its programs for Black History Month during February. Unless noted the programs run during the regular hours of 10 am to 4 pm.

February 27 Fashion Show courtesy of Gregory’s Boutique: The show will feature traditional African dress to current fashions from Gregory’s Boutique on W. Poinsett St. Included will be models showing the hats worn at African American churches on Sundays.

For children there is a scavenger hunt to locate artifacts related to Greer’s black history.

There is no admittance fee to the museum. All programs are free. For information, call the museum at 864-877-3377.

Press contact: Director Joada Hiatt 877-4626 or Program Coordinator Maria Dowell 268-5073.