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Quick Update

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File this into the site update category. I’ve officially announced the opening of the new directory and forum, links can be found in the sidebar to the left. (Yes, I’ve flipped the navigation from the right side of the page to the left.) In addition, we have a new newsletter in the sidebar column. I expect it will be low volume. You might be interested in the Latest News page as well, which should present some of the latest genealogy related news from around the web. I’ve been working on revision and expansion of the county pages as well so you should be finding a bit more detail on those pages too. (County Pages are accessible via the menu on the left – South Carolina Counties.) The official announcement press release on some of the above expansions will appear in this space a week from tomorrow. Tomorrow you should get a new genealogy column in this spot.

On to the technical details. One of the recent changes I’ve implemented is a popular posts plugin that dynamically updates the most popular pages. Also, I’ve added a “where did they go from here” style plugin, simplified the “sharing/bookmarking” plugin by taking out that long list of icons and using the “share it” plugin that let’s you either email or “social bookmark” the site. I would encourage you to bookmark the site to either your offline or ONLINE bookmarking service.

I’ve also added some caching software which should keep the page loads fairly reasonable in spite of all these plugins and do-dads. It also hopefully will help during busy traffic periods.

So, don’t mind the dust and fresh paint here and there, come on in and make yourself at home. I plan on this site being here for quite a while, so feel free to post in the forum, add your site to the directory, sign up for the newsletter and bookmark the site so you can keep an eye on the upcoming changes and improvements to the site.

Thanks for stopping by.

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