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LowCountry Africana – Documenting the history of African American Slaves in South Carolina

Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

There’s a new site that’s dedicated to the genealogy of African Americans of the Lowcountry. The site is sponsored by the Magnolia Plantation Foundation of Charleston, SC and will be publishing records online of the African American slaves of plantations from the traditional rice growing areas of the low country of South Carolina, Georgia and even Northern Florida. (Covering the area of Gullah/Geechee culture.) The site is called LowCountry Africana. They have ambitious goals it appears, their first project will be putting online reconstructed family histories of the slaves of the Drayton family plantations.

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The Usefullness of Queries Posted on Genealogy Forums

Wednesday, March 5th, 2008

When I launched the new forums for queries here at South Carolina I asked myself why should there be another South Carolina Genealogy Query forum. Aren’t there enough? Then I remembered the MANY forums I’ve posted on over the years about this family and that family. I also remember the many mailing lists and paper query posts I’ve read through and answered. That’s when it hit me…

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South Carolina Genealogical Society

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

The South Carolina Genealogical Society is a non profit organization with several chapters throughout the state. Membership in the state society is included in the chapter membership fee. Libraries and Organizations interested in subscribing to the SCGS publications can subscribe for $8. They publish the Carolina Herald. The archives of the Society are located in…

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Link Requests, Site Updates

Friday, February 1st, 2008

This is just an “in between” regular articles update. As some of you have noticed I’ve been going through the county pages, adding more information there. As you can imagine the process takes a little bit of time. I’ve managed to get to a couple county pages per day. I’m currently about halfway through. I’m not moving in any particular order, other than the counties that seem to be more popular (visited more often) get higher priority.

Additionally, if you are aware of other links for a county and would like to submit those, or an article for the site, you are more than welcome to do so through the Contact Us Page.

There are now forums for so you can post a query either statewide, or for each county at the South Carolina Genealogy Forums and those links are starting to be added to the respective county pages.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to say that if you have a genealogy related web site I would be greatly honored if you would link to our site, the code to do so is <a href=””>South Carolina Genealogy</a> – you can simply copy and past into your site! Thanks very much in advance and if you do so, you might want a link back to your site, get a free listing in our South Carolina Genealogy Directory.

Thanks for your help and support.

South Carolina Genealogy Forum

Monday, July 25th, 2005

I’ve added some areas to the site forum to accomodate general South Carolina statewide queries and Reference as well. It will be a shared location with the North Carolina genealogy forum for now. There are seperate areas for posting queries and eventually each county should have it’s own board. The link is on the sidebar to the right and in this post.