South Carolina Genealogy Directory  |  South Carolina Genealogy Forum  |  South Carolina Genealogy Newsletter Requests User Submitted Articles

Sign up for our South Carolina Genealogy newsletter: today announces a request for users to submit articles for inclusion in the South Carolina Genealogy site as well as articles for inclusion in the article section of the South Carolina Genealogy Directory.

The request opens up the opportunity for anyone with an interest in South Carolina Genealogy and a story to tell to get their story online. “There are so many people with rich family histories and with amazing narratives, I wanted to open the site up so that there would be the possibility that they could tell some of those stories.” according to Avery Parker, webmaster of South Carolina Genealogy. “It’s not just about the family narratives, but could also be on any other topic that might be of interest to the Family Historian researching South Carolina. It might be a good way for some to get their feet wet with writing for a blog, or just writing articles online”

The articles posted at the South Carolina Genealogy Directory might be useful for other site operators seeking a new audience for showing their writing style as well as getting a link back to their site. This can be very beneficial for website search engine rankings. It is currently free to post an article in the South Carolina Genealogy Directory, although reciprocal links are greatly appreciated.

The South Carolina Genealogy site has started soliciting article submissions for the blog as well as the directory and is asking for user input on the links contained in the separately announced county detail pages. The articles selected for the blog will be reviewed for relevance and in some cases it might be suggested that they fit in better with the Directory, but all submissions will be reviewed.

Online Publishing is making it possible for most anyone that is interested in writing to find an audience and these new requests for articles is a great opportunity that local historians have to find a very focused audience. Persons interested in submitting an article need only go to the website and click to visit the Contact Us page and fill in the form. If they’re interested in submitting an article for the directory, they can just visit and follow the links for Submitting an article there. was launched in October 2005 and provides genealogy researchers a destination for genealogy and history related content specific to South Carolina. Resources are indexed by County and in most cases, brief histories are given to add context. The new article submssion requests helps individual genealogists to find one more avenue to get their articles in front of viewers interested in South Carolina Genealogy and gives site owners a good place to be introduced to a new audience. For more information or to take advantage of these new services visit or at the South Carolina Genealogy Directory at

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